2013-02-13 - Pimmit Hills Idylwood Loop


~4.6 miles @ ~11.5 min/mi

For variety this morning at 0530 Kristin and I venture on a longer neighborhood loop. After the now-traditional "Watch out for the puddle!" warning in the potholed parking lot by the loading dock, down Great Falls St we trot to Idylwood Rd, then southeast on Idylwood to Lemon Rd Elementary School. There we're befuddled by construction barriers that block the route I proposed to take back to Pimmit Dr via Lemon Road Park. Kristin's sharp eyes and my flashlight, however, reveal a segment of orange-plastic-mesh fence that's fallen. We step over it and find the asphalt path. My build-up narrative of adventure in the spooky dark features monsters that fail to materialize. Splits by the Garmin are 11:26 + 11:34 + 12:03 + 10:43 and a final two-thirds of a mile at 10:39 pace; Runkeeper roughly concurs.

^z - 2013-02-26